Jesus always has “gone green” he recycles our tears
and irrigates our souls to water the gardens of our hearts

Spring’s coming soon!
The Son is getting closer to the Earth

“Above all else, be kind to one another”

Joy is contagious, start a pandemic!

“I love all my children the same but for different reasons;
some are sweet, some are smart, one is the savior of the world”

To see a rainbow at its best vantage first build an arc

“Give to the IRS that which is the IRS’s
But I expect your heart, mind, body and soul”

The Devil is crafty
But can he knit a baby together in a mother’s womb?

If you think your commute is tough, try walking on water

Wine Tasting: Sundays
Vintage: “Fruit of the Vine”
One sip and you will never again consume the Grapes of Wrath